From the press
What people thought about Ü
Pipe Dream
"...Yü Lee on piano, Christina Docenko on violin and Daniel Eby on cello gave a performance that aimed to highlight the dynamics of his music...
...In the first piece of the evening, Beethoven’s Piano Trio, Op. I, No. 3, Docenko and Lee played out the sarcasm of Beethoven’s music by utilizing theatrical facial expressions and body language to demonstrate a spar between the pianist, violinist and cellist. The audience laughed along on the journey of melodramatic expression of frustration, shock, anger, confusion and calm..."
by Mathila Farin Nov 4 2019
June 2016
Triple Cities Carousel
"Progress over perfection"
The personal journey of Ü Lee
Page 11
DEC 17 2015
Voce di Meche
"...As the Duchess that Count de Walter wants his son to marry, mezzo-soprano Ü Lee was resplendent both vocally and dramatically. Her rich chocolate instrument was employed to great dramatic effect as she created a multi-dimensional character--a woman who has loved Rodolfo since childhood and is suffering a major disappointment that he loves another woman, and yet not at all vengeful toward her rival. The facial expressions and gestures she used as she went through a panoply of emotions were arresting; one could not take one's eyes off her..."

SEP 27 2011
Opera Insider
"..What pulled this entire collaborative enterprise together was the astute conducting of Ms. Ü Lee who accompanied the recitativi from the keyboard and drew a fine reading from her 18 musicians. Attacks were precise where they should be and equally gentle in appropriate places. The balance among the sections was perfect. One could detect a great deal of effort that went into making the music sound so effortless and effervescent..."
APR 26 2012
Broome Arts Mirror
"...The three ladies sang Mozart’s gorgeous harmonies well in costumes that were reminiscent of Wagner’s Brunhilde. Meghan Cakalli (she sings the Queen opening night), Ü Lee and Cabiria Jacobsen blended well,..."
-By Tony Villecco
APR 28 2011
Broome Arts Mirror
"...She soon, however, transformed herself into a vixen (she is naturally beautiful) and sang stronger and richer as the act progressed. Particularly effective was her acting in which a sensual orgy, of sorts, is taking place to the opera's most famous melody, the "Barcarolle" (or "Night of Love")..."
FEB 10 2011
Broome Arts Mirror
"...The smaller supporting roles were casted well, especially Ü Lee as Violetta's vixen friend, Flora..."
JAN 1 2012
Opera Canada
"Yu Li's Suzuki was like a mini-chorus commenting on her mistress' gradual deflation with exquisite gestures of support and, eventually, intense distress. She gave her servant's role a serious personal quality, and she and Hattori-Fallen sang wonderfully together."
DEC 9 2009
Green Salon
"Ms. Lee, ... offered save the day and sing an aria from Semiramide and accompany herself, all from memory. This was a long involved piece, with several characters and she sang them all. She proceeded to astonish and delight, rendering a full-blooded performance which exhibited her remarkable singing talent as well as pianistic virtuosity. The audience rose to its feet in wild applause and amazement for she had truly transported us into the world of opera in a way we could never imagine. How fortunate we were to hear Ms. Lee..."