Are you tired of singing standard repertoire for your performances or auditions? Here are some refreshing, dramatic, and very showy options if you dare
This is the whole set of Lieder ohne Worte - Dramaticalises - Op. 1
It includes
No. 1 = Act I Massage Session
No. 2 = Act II The Extra Pair of Shoes
No. 3 = Act III Ice Cream
No. 4 = Act IV Gym
No. 5 = Act V La petite mort
This is a set of music for a voice and a piano
These are music to exercise drama
There are no meaningful lyrics in this set
Parental Advisory Strongly Recommended for users under 18 yo. The description(drama) may include topics which are not children friendly(The performance itself could be children friendly as long as the subtexts/directions/... are not included during the performance. Ü will make a "clean" set as soon as possible)
The same notation could mean different things in different pieces. Please read everything before starting any music preparation
Original Keys
There are optional choices for certain vocal passages
The set could remind people of familiar music from operas, piano solos, movies, Christmas, video games, and more
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